Lately we upgraded the PB from 9.0.3 (Build 8784) to 11.5.1 (Build 4608). We're using the MailSession object to open the mail address book with mailResolveRecipient function. The function worked great with PB 9, in the workspace and also in the EXE. After the upgrade - the function fails only in the EXE (in the workspace it works just fine) - and only if the name that we're looking for isn't unique, i.e there is more than one result that matches the name that we sent to the mailResolveRecipient function. In that case - the function returns MailResultFailure!. After some research we found that the failure happens only if we connect to Oracle DB before executing the function. The failure doesn't happen when we connect to ODBC (access) DB.
We searched the problem over the internet and didn't come up with any solution. Can anyone know how to fix the problem?